Sunday, July 27, 2008

Summer Tour 2008

OK, so I have not yet really begun the whole blogging bit before, but here I go!

My debut album "The Gift of God in You" was released in February.

Amidst having a newborn (born in December), having two very dramatic and active, eager and restless older girls (ages 3 and 5), plus completing a semester of teaching private voice to around 30 individuals, and with my husband in Grad School....well, I really have not had the time I have wanted to get out and share my music and my message.

This summer has proven to be perfect timing thus far, and I hope you will enjoy reading about and seeing pictures of our adventure.


Anonymous said...

I am so glad you have a blog so we can keep up with you and your road trip!!!
Lots of love to all you ladies :P

MommiGMaJ said...

Melissa, I am so very proud of your musical endeavors-- and for the sacrifice you are making to venture out on this personal mini mission/tour while taking your little ones along! God Bless, and God Speed you home safely with your precious cargo :-)

MommiGMaJ said...

Please be comforted and of good cheer for you must know how many people LOVE you!
Both here, and beyond...